Guilan Science and Technology Park

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Background information

Guilan Science and Technology Park, located in Rasht, Iran, focuses on technology production, transfer and commercialisation and the development of knowledge-based and technology-driven activities.

Through developing tech-based entrepreneurship activities consistent with the local climate and environment, the park facilitates the transfer of technology from academic and research centres to executive and manufacturing centres, and contribute to the development and prosperity of the region.

Key sectors at the park are Agriculture and Forestry, biotech, Chemistry and Chemicals, Electronics, and ICT & Communications. Support structures for resident companies include the Centre of Creativity, a hub aimed at supporting talented students, students and young people with creative and innovative ideas. It also runs a Growth Centre which provides entrepreneurs and SMEs with science and technology-based commercialization ideas, and provides essential information and advice, as well as appropriate services and equipment, to help them grow and flourish as independent businesses on the technology scene.

Guilan STP also operates an Audience Growth Centre, which works in applied research, engineering design, reverse engineering, technology transfer, specialized services and activity to commercialize research results. By bringing together R&D units and creating a shared working space, the centre facilitates access to human resources and reduces research costs. 

  1. Name
    Guilan Science and Technology Park
  2. Location
    Rasht, Iran
  1. Website
  2. Main technology sectors
    Agriculture and Forestry
    Chemistry and Chemicals
    ICT & Communications
  3. Type
    Science Park
  4. Member category
    General Contact