
IASP WEBINAR: "Digital Kindergarten" by Lakeside Science and Technology Park

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Learn more about how 2019 Inspiring Solutions winner Lakeside Science and Technology Park implemented their "Digital Kindergarten - Lakeside IT Curriculum”! 

Join us on March 7th at 2pm CET to hear what impact the digital kindergarten has had, and how it could be replicated in other science parks around the world.

A link to join will be send to all IASP members the day before the webinar; non members can join for 60€. Please contact us at communication@iasp.ws for further details.

This webinar is the first in our series focusing on the bright ideas and best practice shared recently by our members in our Inspiring Solutions programme. Recent winners and finalists will be presenting their entries, exploring how their solutions have developed, their impact, and share their insight on how other IASP members can replicate the solutions in their own STPs and AOIs.

  1. Date
    11 March 2020
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