Sparkup Tartu Science Park
Sparkup Tartu Science Park is a science park in Tartu, Estonia. It is the first of its kind in the Baltic States, and was established as a joint effort headed by the city and county of Tartu in collaboration with the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Institute of Physics at the University of Tartu. Sparkup Tartu Science Park was founded with the objective of supporting innovation structures in Estonia. It aims to facilitate the creation, development and operation of research and technology intensive companies through the provision of infrastructure and business development services in the Tartu region.
Sparkup Tartu Science Park currently provides over 12,000m2 of expansive and comprehensive office and laboratory space to over 70 companies all within the technology industry. Alongside the provision of these innovative spaces for work, Sparkup Tartu Science Park heads a number of services for its resident companies, including consultancy for startups, scaleups, export and soft-landing, partnership networking as well as networking and professional support to these firms when it comes time to consider approaching potential investors.
- NameSparkup Tartu Science Park
- LocationTartu, Estonia

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Biomedical Science and TechnologyName:BiotechnologyName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Mechanics, Subassemblies, Components
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull