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Using Gamification to Accelerate the Adoption of Sustainable Mobility in Science and Technology Parks

Title Image for 2022 Conference Papers
Document type:
Conference Paper
1.20 €
  1. Authors
    Gregorio Magno
    Toral Jiménez
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2022
  4. Place of publication
    Seville, Spain
  5. Number of pages
Science and Technology Parks aggregate hundreds of companies that generate thousands of employee’s trips to work every day, many of them done by car. Transport emissions due to an excessive use of cars are responsible of almost 25% of total CO2 emissions in Europe. Employees that drive alone to work suffer from stress in traffic jams and are increasing emissions and air pollution, that kills 7 million people in the world every year. Thanks to their central and coordination role, Science and Technology Parks can implement actions using new digital platforms to accelerate behavioural change towards the use of alternative, healthier and more sustainable means of transport, with a huge potential impact thanks to their capacity to engage their business community. This paper explores how Science and Technology parks can play an important role facilitating behavioural change to promote a greener mobility using mobile technology and gamification
  1. Location
    Seville, Spain