The Parque Cientifico de Alicante is a space of excellence and innovation that encourages business-university relations, boosts technology transfer and increases the competitiveness of the regional economy.
Located next to the University of Alicante campus, it was founded by the university in 2010 and currently has around 30 companies with over 150 employees, the majority related to biotechnology and IT.
The park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology between the university, research institutions, companies and the market; it promotes the creation and growth of innovative companies through incubation, high quality infrastructures and facilities. In recent years it has been building a quality mixed use space for innovative companies, research institutes and mixed University-Business R&D laboratories that facilitate the establishment of networks and alliances. It also offers a coworking space, and semi-industrial warehouses with offices
Value added services include access to public and private funding as well as to university services, training and mentoring, business development support, and talent management with assistance recruiting the qualified staff companies need.
- LocationAlicante, Spain

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Advanced Services in Technology TransferName:BiotechnologyName:EnvironmentName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & Communications
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull