Technology Park Varazdin Ltd
Technology Park Varaždin was founded in 2003 as a collaboration between the County of Varaždin, the City of Varaždin, the Croatian chamber of economy, the University of Applied Sciences and the school of electronics and mechanics in Varaždin.
Technology Park Varaždin focuses on incubation for innovative startups and establishing mechanisms to improve existing technologically innovative companies. It also works to support the transfer of knowledge from universities and development centres into the economy, networking of companies, educational institutions, development agencies and innovative individuals, and change of perception towards innovation as a foundation of a new economy.
The park focuses on working with students, academic staff (researchers, scientists, experts), creative individuals, inventors, entrepreneurs, investors, donors and economic development organisations in order to develop new knowledge, support the local economy, as well as secure new patents and identify promising startups for incubation.
Services offered to resident companies include marketing and PR, creative workshops, networking, conferences, counselling, technology transfer and help with commercialization of products and services.
- NameTechnology Park Varazdin Ltd
- LocationVarazdin, Croatia

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:ICT & Communications
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull