Connect Macquarie Park Innovation District
Located in the Macquarie Park area of Sydney, the Connect Macquarie Park Innovation District (Connect MPID), is Australia's inaugural innovation district. An example of collaborative success, this district unites prestigious universities, global headquarters, startups, and visionary minds in an ecosystem of progress.
Connect MPID operates across five pillars:
· Advocacy & Strategy: Orchestrates Macquarie Park's evolution into a hub of innovation through strategic investment and infrastructure advocacy.
· Mobility & Access: Prioritizes accessibility, enabling sustainable growth while minimizing congestion.
· Innovation & Commercialisation: Nurtures groundbreaking products and employment opportunities via employer-researcher-entrepreneur collaboration.
· Marketing & Promotion: Amplifies Macquarie Park's achievements and narrative, attracting talent and celebrating milestones.
· Activation & Engagement: Forges connections, enhances skills, and nurtures community through professional development and events.
Connect MPID's power stems from a diverse business ecosystem and steadfast governmental support. It is led by the Board of Association, including local leaders from Macquarie University, City of Ryde, NSW Government, and workplaces in Macquarie Park.
- NameConnect Macquarie Park Innovation District
- LocationMacquarie Park, Australia

- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & Communications
- TypeArea of Innovation
- Member categoryFull