The Zetech International Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Development (ICEITD), launched in September 2018, serves as a business and technology incubator within Zetech University in Nairobi, Kenya.
Primarily aimed at nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation among students, graduates, and the broader community, ICEITD - also known as iZET - is a centre of excellence dedicated to the sustainable production of goods and services across various sectors, including business, ICT, and agribusiness. It supports the development of new and existing enterprises through capacity building, technology application, and commercialisation, contributing to job and wealth creation.
The centre plays a key role in fostering collaborations with industry, academia, and other institutions, enhancing the practical application of knowledge. Through its training processes and activities, ICEITD ensures that graduates are well-equipped to meet market demands and drive economic growth in local townships and beyond. Its commitment aligns with helping Kenya achieve several Sustainable Development Goals, such as eliminating poverty, ensuring gender equality, and promoting decent work and economic growth.
- NameiZET
- LocationNairobi, Kenya

- Website
- Twitter profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Computer Science and Hardwares
- TypeBusiness Incubator
- Member categoryAffiliate