Arak Science & Technology Park
The Arak Science & Technology Park is located in the Markazi Province, Iran, and began its activities in 2002 under the auspices of the Supreme Council for the Development of Higher Education.
Also known as Markazi Science and Technology Park, its mission is to help the region's economic development by encouraging R & D, commercializing the results of academic research, promoting new industries with advanced technology and high growth potential, and supporting and facilitating the creation of technology companies and commercialization of innovative ideas in the industry and trade of the region.
Focusing on the Chemical industry (manufacturing and production of industrial machinery and equipment) ICT and automation, technologies related to the aluminium industry, agriculture and environment as nanotechnology, biotechnology, equipment manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals, the park helps to create and develop of small and medium technology companies. It also supports research and innovation, engineering institutes, and companies with the aim of developing technology and entrepreneurship.
Value-added services for residents include specialized and technical consultations, laboratories, and business development services including training and consulting, business planning, legal and financial advice, market research, and financial support for the development of new and innovative tech-based products.
- NameArak Science & Technology Park
- LocationArak, Iran

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Mechanics, Subassemblies, Components
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull