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Inspiring Solutions
Enhancing the role of Science and Technology Parks as the hubs for Commercialization process in technology market place
By , Year 2018 Finalist, located in
Keywords: knowledge sharing, networking
Launch date: 
01 August 2018
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Science and Technology Parks and Areas of innovation could be defined in their network - from the suppliers to customers of the new products and technologies- as a commercialization hub in their urban or cities with defining them via the Supply Chain Management model.
What is the purpose of your solution
Universities, research and innovation centers, have an important role between the social, political and economical factors, which have a valuable effect on the economical and technological development in a society. The process begins from creation and developing knowledge, which usually starts from universities and research centers and continues with a practical and commercialization approach in establishing and developing firms and industries with their Services and products. This process could be seen as a chain with universities, research & innovation centers on one side and companies and industries on the other side. For the connection between two sides of this chain, an important link is needed to transfer the knowledge and developed technology from research centers to industries practically. One of the best links in this position could be Science and Technology Parks (STPs), which bring about an appropriate environment for the companies and researchers to work and cooperate with the universities and research & innovation centers on the basis of the industries requirements. This chain could be seen as a system to converge all the links and elements which playing a role in. In such a system, we should apply a model to manage this chain and its elements as a whole system to attain its goals. A supply chain is a set of organizations directly linked by one or more upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, or information from a source to a customer. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. SCM is the comprehensive integration of all sub-processes that enable the exchange of information and movement of goods and services between suppliers and end customers, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, research centers, government agencies and service firms or any other enterprise within the extended supply chain. In a networked and extended supply chain, each supplier and partner can securely access key business information, which is empowered to make informed decisions for the best serve customers according to their needs.
What is innovative about it
In a short description for the role of the science and technology parks in leadership of developing innovation and commercialization process, they generally represent a kind of Public private partnerships that are designed to foster and support knowledge flows. This process especially performs among science parks firms, as well as between these firms and external enterprise and companies to improve regional economic growth. In general, these knowledge and technology base firms have inventions or practical innovations, which want to commercialize them with support of STPs in the way of the customer demands. Among common denominators, it can be highlighted that science and technology parks facilitate access for the firms to key factors, such as Research & Development, innovation, infrastructures, venture capitalists, human capital, technological capital, and social capital. These factors are related to the capacity to adapt to technological, economic, and social changes in markets. Therefore, STPs have emerged based on new institutional arrangements that facilitate interactive relations between universities, researchers, industries and government. Within the SCM model and its strategies, a network is created with the leadership role of STPs further than its traditional tasks to empowering the commercialization process and developing the effective market place.
What impact has your solution had
- Marketing process with the push/pull strategy in Supply Chain Management merge to commercialization process for the better effectiveness - Open Innovation could be carried out in this strategy - Science and Technology Parks become as special centers for collaborating and trading center between specialists - Facilitating the commercialization process with the integrated viewpoint - A total network under the Science and Technology administrative role formed for the better partnership between the members of the network - Science and Technology Parks (STPs) and Areas of Innovation (AOI) could act as a permanent market for the innovative ideas and technology transfer in the way of utilizing in industries - STPs and AOI become one the critical success factors in knowledge & technology base economy - Employ experts in STPs for marketing process in various fields of industries- helping tenants for commercialization - STPs and AOI could be defined in their network (from the suppliers to customers of the new products and technologies) as a hub in their urban or cities - This hub plays the leadership role in 2 ways: 1.Push the technology from its suppliers to the market 2.Pulls the technology or product demands from its customers to the related suppliers - Science and Technology Parks playing key role in Entrepreneurship
Who are the main users
The supply chain system must be responsive to all of its chain members (supplier to customer). Totally the main users and beneficiaries are: Researchers and the students of universities, members of STPs like the experts and management team, resident companies, Inventors and industries and society as the end customers.
Who runs it
The STPs and AOIs in this solution are in a relation between academic, industry, government and society (defined as ""Quad Helix""), which have vital role in this network. So STPs and AOIs should be considered as the governmental agents in society in responsible of commercialization centers and technology hubs.
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