tecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa)
The tecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa) is the campus research park of Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), in Minas Gerais State. Its mission is to promote the creation and development of technology-based companies and the diffusion of entrepreneurial culture and innovative technologies from the academic community, contributing to local development.
The tecnoPARQ is a “live-work-play-learn” environment that fosters unique collaborations and educational experiences, facilitating business partnerships and speeding up the pipeline through which university research reaches the market.
Technology-based companies, be they large companies, startups, spin-offs, business projects and academic research are supported via acceleration, pre-incubation, and incubation and services.
tecnoPARQ’s incubator and acceleration programme offers valuable services for turning research into businesses and jobs, launching companies and negotiating master research agreements. The incubation services offer a way to more readily connect people, ideas, projects and resources for accelerate business relationship, partnership and innovation. The park also offers a resident companies’ programme, providing management, technological and innovation assessment.
The incubator has twice received the national award for “Best Business Incubator Oriented to Local and Sectoral Development”. In 2019, the incubator received the first prize in the call for Good Practices in Incubation and Acceleration of Impact, launched by the Entrepreneurial Citizenship Institute (ICE) and the Brazilian Association of Science Parks and Business Incubators (Anprotec). In 2014, tecnoPARQ was one of the finalists of best technology park in Brazil by Anprotec and in this same year was award in the 1st International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) Inspiring Solutions.
In 2020, the tecnoPARQ was credited as an ENRICH in Brazil Soft Landing Hub.
- NametecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa)
- LocationViçosa, Brazil

- Twitter profile
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- Main technology sectorsName:Agro-bio
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull