TECNOPUC - Parque Científico e Tecnológico da PUCRS
TECNOPUC, the Scientific and Technology Park of PUCRS is an innovation ecosystem that stimulates research, innovation and development bringing together academia, private institutions and government. Tecnopuc’s team works at a light and fast way. Our main objectives are the attraction and development of talents, the promotion and transfer of knowledge generated in the academy, the attraction of companies and the development of startups and the search for solutions to society's problems and challenges (in an interdisciplinary way). All of this adding value to ecosystem partners, driving results and generating impact. We are part of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), one of the best private universities in the country. With this, we generate a network of connections between the academy, industry, the government and the society. The Park is based on two sites in Porto Alegre and Viamão, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Tecnopuc is home to more than 170 organizations, totaling more than 8 thousand jobs. Among the companies are startups and consolidated organizations. The Park’s focus areas are ICT, energy and environment, life sciences and the creative industries emerged through close collaboration with the university and its research groups and postgraduate and graduate courses, in order to meet local social challenges. Tecnopuc is part of INOVAPUCRS - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network of PUCRS, which brings aims to foster the innovation and entrepreneurship process of PUCRS and brings together all the stakeholders involved in teaching and research.The focus of the University's activity, through INOVAPUCRS, is to promote multidisciplinary efforts in the search for solutions to society's demands in terms of economic, social, environmental and cultural development. We also build local and global connections with people, organizations and innovation ecosystems from around the world. This scenario allows us to operate in a network and contribute to finding solutions to real problems.
- NameTECNOPUC - Parque Científico e Tecnológico da PUCRS
- LocationPorto Alegre, Brazil

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- Main technology sectorsName:AudiovisualName:BiotechnologyName:EnergyName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Services for Business and Industry
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull