Thailand Science Park
Thailand Science Park (TSP) is Thailand’s first science and technology park, and established its first phase in 2002 with the mission to promote innovation development and R&D activities in the private sector. TSP builds the ecosystem to promote and support R&D linkage between government and private sector, and stimulate the creation of new technology businesses.
It is a fully integrated R&D hub that aims to contribute to science and technology development in Thailand. With a focus on the Food, Life Science, and Electronics sector, it offers infrastructure including wet and dry labs, office space, a mechanical & electrical building, heavy equipment lab and a sensitive lab, as well as meeting spaces and leisure facilities.
The Thailand Science Park is located adjacent to the Thammasat University (Rangsit campus) and the Asian Institute of Technology. It is fully occupied by the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), its four national research centres, namely National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Metal and Materials Technology Centre (MTEC), National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) and National Nanotechnology Centre (NANOTEC) and over 90 corporate tenants, of which 30 percent are international companies. This close proximity provides an opportunity for corporate tenants to gain access to highly-skilled personnel, including 2,000 full-time NSTDA researchers, of whom some 500 are PhD scientists.
- NameThailand Science Park
- LocationPathumthani, Thailand

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- Main technology sectorsName:ElectronicsName:MaterialsName:Micromachines and Nanotechnology
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull